Hey there!

I'm Polyzium, often called just Poly. I'm a computer nerd and I mostly do software development, mostly for my own pleasure. I also do CGI stuff (sometimes SVGs).
Nothing to see here except for archives and bio, for now.

I've been thinking of doing a sort of revamp of my personal webpage, but I have no ideas... so uncreative
Meanwhile, enjoy the rest what this page has.


GaiaMC Discord server archive | HTML version


Twitter: @polyzium
Reddit: /u/polyzium1
Discord: polyzium#0481
Matrix: @polyzium7:matrix.org
IRC: #[email protected] OR #[email protected]
Email (personal): [email protected]

(C) 2023 Polyzium Productions. Last updated: Wed, 22 Mar 2023 18:56:53 +0300